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2020 is slowly falling behind, however we are far from having a different and normal panorama. Last year left us habits and behaviors from a time that will mark history, when the covid 19 pandemic took us off base and caused a revolution throughout the world, impacting all fields and disciplines. 


  1. Cybersecurity in 2020
  2. Important cybersecurity data left by 2020 for Latin America
  3. Meet Encrypted

Cybersecurity in 2020

Cybersecurity was one of the most involved sectors during 2020, taking relevance and playing in favor of people and companies that implemented it and against those who did not, since cybercrime rates grew overwhelmingly during the previous year, since hackers took advantage of all the contingency and the little preparation that companies had to migrate to the digital world.

That is why in this article, we present the most interesting data that 2020 left us in terms of cybersecurity and that are taken from important analyzes carried out by international cybersecurity companies such as ESET, Verizon, IBM and even the FBI itself.

Important cybersecurity data left by 2020 for Latin America

Meet Encriptados

You can also choose to have an  encrypted sim  like the  Encrypted Sim . Which gives you total privacy and anonymity. You will not be able to be tracked or located and you will be able to communicate from more than 200 countries around the world.

And to keep all your video conferences, chats or sending documents safe, you can purchase an  encrypted application  that will give you security and secure data encryption and with strict privacy policies. 

Make your 2021 different and totally secure with  Encriptados .

At Encriptados.quebec  we have different personal and business solutions for you to protect all your information in this 2021.

Find the best  encrypted cell phone brands  in the world and take your security to another level with a military grade that will make all the information that enters and leaves your phone 100% secure.