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SIM Cards have undergone a long journey and evolution since they began, from being the size of a credit card to the current digital ones. This is its evolution.


1. SIM Card evolution.

2. eSIM the latest evolution of SIM Cards.

3. Encriptados SIM Card, one of the best encrypted cards on the market.

SIM cards have undergone many changes, both external and internal, but its operation has not changed since the GSM standard was implemented. The SIM identifies the number on the network and the device that houses it. It also offers added services and storage, bot for contacts, SMS and other data. Although SIM cards have not undergone major changes in their functionalities and uses, physically they have had a quite noticeable evolution.

SIM card evolution

As strange as it may seem now, the first mobile phones that were compatible with GSM had space to insert the entire SIM card. Which was similar in size to a credit card. The first SIMs did not offer any type of cutting and obviously the mobile phones were also huge.

Moving to the mini SIM meant a huge reduction. And not only the card itself, which now came pre-cut, but also the mobile phones. It may seem huge compared to the current nano SIM, but the mini SIM was a huge revolution. The mini SIM was introduced to the world in 1996 with a size of 25 x 15 mm.

Then we came to the micro SIM which was much more manageable and did not take up too much space, causing mobile phones to also reduce their size and thickness.

The micro SIM made its appearance when mobile phones went from being bricks to being as small as possible. It was approved in 2003, but we did not see devices with it until April 2010. One of the first phones to use it was the iPhone 4. The size of the micro SIM was 15 x 12 mm.

And thinking that it could not be made smaller, in 2012 the nano SIM arrived, the smallest physical chip we have ever known, which although it was very small and practical, is also quite easy to misplace or lose, which not only symbolizes dangers or costs of loss but dangers to privacy or security.

The nano SIM has a size of 6 x 5 mm. The thickness is reduced to 0.67 mm for the first time in the history of SIMs.

eSIM the latest evolution of SIM Cards

And just when we thought we couldn’t go any further, the digital world surprises us again with the eSIM. Which completely eliminates the need to insert a physical chip into phones, offering not only more practicality and ease since it will not be necessary to go to a physical store to purchase it, but also greater security since it significantly reduces computer crimes such as SIM hijacking or SIM impersonation.

Encriptados SIM Card, one of the best encrypted cards on the market

At Encriptados, we have one of the best encrypted SIM Card and eSIM on the market, the eSIM, is installed just by reading a QR code and you can have both cards on the device, both the physical and the virtual one. Both operate in more than 200 countries around the world and are free of contracts, cut-off dates or data expiration.

Acquire your encrypted SIM Card or your international eSIM, going to www.encriptados.quebec

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