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The Digital Security industry continues to advance and every day more tools, software and devices are born that bring  cybersecurity closer  to any type of person or company in a more practical and effective way. Such is the case of  Encrypted Cell Phones .


  1. Do we protect our personal information?
  2. What is an encrypted cell phone?
  3. Why should I encrypt my cell phone?
  4. You can find the best encrypted software and cell phones in Encryptados.quebec

Do we protect our personal information?

We live in a time in which our lives take place largely within the digital world, browsing the internet, visiting social networks, making calls, making video conferences, sending thousands of chats and even managing bank transactions can be done comfortably from the palm of your hand. no matter where we are and although there is no doubt that they are great advances for humanity, perhaps there is a factor that in many cases we forget. cyber  security. If we have so much sensitive and personal information on the network and on our devices, the most logical thing would be to protect it, nobody would leave the house without putting a key or leaving the car unlocked, much less giving their bank cards to anyone. So why not protect our devices in the same way considering that they contain our most valuable information? 

Today there are different types of software that you can use to turn your personal cell phone into a powerful  encrypted cell phone  that will help us protect communications, whether personal or business, and will keep all our personal information safe with features such as encrypted calls and messages, self-destruction of chats or safe vaults in the cloud among many others. 

What is an encrypted cell phone?

Encrypted  cell phones  or  encrypted cell phones are smartphones to which a new operating system has been added with secure military features, which makes them impenetrable while offering 100% private and secure communications. For the most part, encrypted cell phones have features such as international coverage, PGP encrypted mail, encrypted messages, secure calls, automatic message burning, cloud storage and many others that will keep all information private. 

It is important to know that once you change your operating system for an encrypted system, you will no longer be able to use the cell phone as a normal mobile with standard applications, since this type of secure software does not allow any security breach. For this reason, if you wish, it is also possible to purchase an  encrypted cell phone  with new hardware from brands such as iPhone or Samsung. 

Why should I encrypt my cell phone?

Thinking about having an  encrypted cell phone  is not something extreme and less unattainable, in fact, it is an option that is being accepted by more people and companies of all kinds every day. And it is that as technology advances, hacker attacks and vulnerabilities within the network become more latent, which is why cybersecurity becomes a priority. 

By encrypting your cell phone or acquiring an  encrypted cell phone , you will be able to protect all your communications, all the data that enters or leaves the device will be encrypted with military technology, which will make it impossible for any third party to access the mobile. In addition, you will get features such as encrypted calls, secure video conferences, self-destructive messages, cloud vault to store the most private data, wallets to manage cryptocurrencies, 100% private PGP mail and an international SIM to use the phone from anywhere in the world. with complete anonymity. No one can hack, intercept or access a message or call. Even if you lose your cell phone or it is the victim of a robbery, you can delete all the information remotely. 

You can find the best encrypted software and cell phones at Encryptados.quebec

At  Encrypted  we have the   safest encrypted systems in the world. They are 100% impenetrable operating systems and equipment with military technology that will keep all your communications secure. You can find brands like  Ciphr ,  ChatMail ,  TotalSec ,  GhostECC ,  VualtSecure ,  ArmadilloPhone  among others. 

Additionally, we have  encrypted applications  that you can use to improve the privacy of your messages and keep all your personal information safe. Or our newest product,  Encrypted Sim Cards , an Encrypted Sim Card that works in over 200 countries and is compatible with any device. You can even combine it with your  encrypted cell  phone to have a “bulletproof”, armored and ultra-secure cell phone. 
Protect yourself with the solutions that  Encryptados.quebec  has for you. We take your privacy seriously.

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